I Just came for the food and eat it all...the story of a Food Studio

Yes!! I really have a passion for food.

Most of my childhood memories involves FOOD.  I remember one Christmas that I received an Easy Bake Oven & the Snoopy Sno-cone Machine as presents.  My baking skills were not so good and it took a lot of trials and errors to make the perfect mini cakes, also too much syrup on my sno-cones lead us to a some sugar rush episodes.  They were good times to cherish.

Time has passed by and I still have a passion for food.

Today: I bake, cook, teach cooking and now a blog, OMG!

Join me in this new adventure so people can say at your place that more than feeling welcomed and loved they...Just came for the food; and eat it all.


45 Aprons


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